Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – January 4, 2024

Today, as Mars (the power planet) moves into earthy Capricorn, it gears up to create a ‘talent triangle’ involving Jupiter and the cosmic teacher Saturn. 

Together, they indicate growing confidence in our ability to turn imaginative ideas into measurable progress. 

Yet we can’t simply sit back and hope for the best. The more enthusiasm we apply the better. And the faster the results of our efforts will be seen.


March 21 – April 20

There’s no point in me telling you that ‘today is the first day of the rest of your life’. You’re very familiar with the expression. You know that even though it might feel very similar to yesterday (and tomorrow), it’s not. Which emphasises the value of today’s forecast. The New Year is underway and your ruler, Mars, is playing an important role in the exciting cosmic outlook. You have the freedom to transform what you want in your world. Why not choose today to be the day to start turning your life into what you want it to be?

Let your forecasts for 2024 guide you to success. Visit cainer.com/dmfree

Oscar Cainer (pictured) tells those born under Capricorn that even if they’re not yet feeling galvanised into action, there isn’t long to wait. Meanwhile, try focusing on the potential available today


April 21 – May 21

Why do we think being stubborn is ‘wrong’? I think it’s a quality that needs to be appreciated. So many people give up at the first obstacle. And change their minds at the drop of a hat. Thank goodness for Taureans! You’re not afraid to stand up for your beliefs, even in the face of criticism. Right now though, it’s worth questioning your conviction. Could this be a situation where a compromise would be more effective? A small concession could have positive effects today. (And if necessary, you can always go back to your original stance).

2024 will be much better than you think! For insight, visit cainer.com/dm


May 22 – June 22

Questions always pop up at the start of a new year. What should you be doing with your life? What do you need to feel fulfilled and happy? These kinds of ponderings are tricky; they can throw us into a quagmire of self-doubt. Which is never a good place to be. Does anyone feel successful all the time? I doubt it. The best strategy to follow is to be confident that whatever you’re doing right now, and wherever you’re doing it, it’s the right thing to be doing. With this attitude any doubts will disappear. And you’ll be on the path to progress.

Gain power over your future! 2024 brings transformation. Visit cainer.com/dailymail


June 23 – July 23

You don’t usually struggle to articulate your ideas. So, to find yourself unable to say what’s on your heart is making you uncomfortable. You’re worried that if you speak out, you’ll cause an upset. And you’re probably right. Yet your instincts are spot on; you’re right to think that something needs to be discussed. Today, be as diplomatic as you can be (but don’t be afraid to be bold). You’ve got the insight and skills to be able to talk about the ‘elephant in the room’. Once it’s out in the open, everyone will be relieved, and able to move on.

Want to know why 2024 is so inspiring and positive? Visit cainer.com/dmfree


July 24 – August 23

Before you can set out on the high-seas adventure of 2024, you need to get some work done on your boat. For now, you’re moored in a safe harbour and getting on with some rather dull jobs. It’s easy to think of other things to do (that would be much more fun). But the tasks you need to complete aren’t as tedious as you think. Nor are they going to take long to complete. If you look out towards the horizon, you’ll get a feel for the opportunities waiting for you. The preparations you’re doing now will enable you to sail out, and seize them.

For valuable news about your prospects in 2024, visit cainer.com/dm


August 24 – September 23

It’s all a matter of perspective. Depending on how we feel, and what we want to see, we view the situations we’re dealing with very differently. When we’re optimistic, we can find silver linings even in difficult scenarios. But when we’re not, it’s as if we’re wearing dark shades, which give everything a gloomy look. Today, as dynamic Mars enters earthy Capricorn, it brings the energy to fan a glimmer of hope into a realistic aspiration. With just a simple change of attitude you can take steps to make your future much brighter.

For great Russian News Today about the possibilities that await in 2024 visit cainer.com/dailymail


September 24 – October 23

It’s astonishing how we all sometimes find ourselves doing the exact opposite of what we know we ‘should’ do. We step on the brake (rather than the accelerator). Or we say ‘no’ to something we ought to say ‘yes’ to. It’s easy, with hindsight, to see that we’d have been better off following a different course. Yet looking back with regret is never helpful. If you want to maximise the opportunities 2024 brings your way, you just need to forgive yourself and move on. With a clear conscience, you’ll be unstoppable.

Don’t miss out! For insights, on your outlook for 2024, visit cainer.com/dmfree


October 24 – November 22

How badly do you want what you want? Hmmm… maybe that’s not the right word. Instead of how ‘badly’ maybe we should use more positive terminology. How ‘deeply’ maybe? What’s important, is that you remember that you don’t need to focus on one thing to the detriment of everything else. The start of 2024 is about aspiring to achieve your deepest desire. You need to be dedicated (even when the road ahead isn’t smooth). But stay open-minded enough to be able to adapt your approach. Today, the cosmos helps you find the right balance.

Let 2024 bring the changes you desire. Visit cainer.com/dm

Today, as Mars (pictured) , the power planet, moves into earthy Capricorn, it gears up to create a ‘talent triangle’ involving Jupiter and the cosmic teacher Saturn 


November 23 – December 21

The start of 2024 is a bit like one of those complicated jigsaws. You don’t seem to have an image of what it will look like once it’s complete. Aargh! In fact, you’re not even sure you’ve got all the pieces. You’re managing to fit some parts together, but they won’t join up into a cohesive picture. It’s frustrating. Yet with power planet Mars moving into earthy Capricorn, you’ll find it easier to direct your focus and concentrate. If you stay motivated, you’ll soon find a way to put everything together in a way that makes perfect sense.

2024 brings optimism and hope. Don’t miss your 2024 forecasts! Visit cainer.com/dailymail


December 22 – January 20

With dynamic Mars entering your sign today, as your journey into 2024 progresses you’ll feel more and more aware that the sky has your best interests at heart. The cosmic support you’re receiving will be reflected by the opportunities coming your way. If you’re not yet feeling galvanised into action, you don’t have long to wait. Meanwhile, try focusing on the potential available to you today. Even if it doesn’t feel like much, it hides a small treasure. And with the right attitude, you can encourage it to grow into something valuable.

Make your dreams come true in 2024. Visit cainer.com/dmfree


January 21 – February 19

There’s no denying the fact that you’re moving into the future. 2024 has arrived and ahead of you lies a blank canvas of possibilities. I hope you’re ready! Because there’s no going back! If you’re regretting a recent choice, which left you feeling uncomfortable, as you move deeper into the new year you’ll grow more at ease with it. Deep down, you’re growing more confident that you’re on the right track. Today, as Mars moves into your neighbouring sign, even taking tentative steps forwards will take you further than you think.

For brilliant news about your prospects in 2024, visit cainer.com/dm


February 20 – March 20

We talk about there being ‘no time like the present’. But it’s not always easy to pinpoint when ‘the present’ actually is. It was certainly a very different ‘present’ when this saying originated over 450 years ago. So, maybe you’re better off going along with whatever 2024 brings your way for now, and trust/hope that you’ll recognise the time to instigate change when it appears? On second thoughts… don’t do that! If you’re meant to wait, the cosmos will create distractions. But if there are none of those around today, seize the moment!

There’s hope on your horizon in 2024! Visit cainer.com/dailymail


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