Bitcoin Optech Newsletter #13

16373 causes the bumpfee RPC used for Replace-by-Fee fee bumping to return a Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction (PSBT) when the user attempts to fee bump a transaction using a wallet with disabled private keys. 17578 updates the getaddressinfo RPC to return an array of strings corresponding to the label used by an address. 3351 extends the invoice RPC with a new exposeprivatechannels parameter that allows the user to request the addition of route hints for private channels to a generated BOLT11 invoice. In addition to the 2% fee, you’ll have to pay a gas fee to have the transaction recorded on the Ethereum network. Anchor commitment transactions can be fee bumped unilaterally by either party, which is useful because commitment transactions might be broadcast a long time after they commit to their on-chain feerate. Previous attempts at non-equal mixes were easy to compromise, but if an improved method was found, it could significantly improve the privacy of coinjoins by making their transactions look like payment batching. Fournier questioned the utility of combining the private key plus the randomness using an xor operation rather than a more standard method of hashing the private key with the randomness.

Bitcoin’s demand is driven by three key factors: its use as a store of value, its inclusion as a valuable asset within portfolios, and its utility as a payment system. In the responses to the post, Jorge Timón and Luke Dashjr both proposed that any BIP8-like mechanism use mandatory versionbits signaling leading up to the flag day (similar to how BIP148 proposed to activate segwit); Corallo notes that this conflicts with the third and fourth goals. In legacy and segwit v0 script, the inefficiency isn’t believed to cause any significant problems. However, the proposal for tapscript would make it possible for an attacker to use the inefficiency to create blocks with transactions that could take a large amount of CPU to verify. In PoS blockchains, participants involved in validating transactions must stake (lock) their tokens. Users must create an API key on Binance, and can view all official documentation on Github. It has a large server network and allows users in countries where Binance is usually restricted to access the service without too much hassle.

A side hustle is much appreciated, and on social media platforms, you can see influencers openly talking about it. However, only website publishers are eligible (as in no social media accounts). But that doesn’t mean there are no servers keeping track of bitcoins. Other than your verification level limits, there are no additional deposit limits. There are many reasons to use the trading platform at Cedar Finance. Because anyone who was ever a delegate can trigger an onchain spend, statechains are designed to use the eltoo mechanism to ensure an onchain spend by the most recent delegate (Carol) can take precedence over spends by previous delegates (Alice and Bob), assuming the trusted third party hasn’t colluded with a previous delegate to cheat. A delegated signer can always spend the UTXO onchain without needing permission from the trusted third party, arguably making statechains less trusted than federated sidechains. E.g., when Alice receives control over a statechain UTXO, a timelock would prevent her from being able to unilaterally spend it onchain for 30 days; when Alice transfers the UTXO to Bob, a timelock would restrict him for only 29 days-this gives a spend by Bob precedence over a spend by Alice. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Visit Web Page European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde, voice concern over the illegal use of cryptocurrencies, the trade demonstrates how criminals have turned to the technology to launder dirty money.

Binance Coin’s price rise over the last few months has been based on this improvement in value and potential, making such a boom stable in the long run. If the first 18 months of the activation period passes without activation (but also without any blocking problems being discovered), new releases can enable this option by default for the remaining 24 months of the activation period. 3821 adds anchor commitments for LN channels and enables them by default if both participating nodes of a channel signal support. ● Bitstamp supports bech32: Bitstamp users can now benefit from using native bech32 addresses after the exchange announced support for both bech32 deposits and withdrawals. At least one reply was opposed to the idea and other replies which did support the idea each proposed a different encoding format. ● Encoded descriptors: Chris Belcher asked for feedback from the Bitcoin-Dev mailing list about base64 encoding output script descriptors so that they’re easier to copy and paste (and also so that regular users aren’t exposed to their code-like syntax).

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