But what the Heck is It?

As a store of value, bitcoin faces great challenges due to rampant hacking attacks, thefts, and other security-related problems. Super premium domains from our marketplace generally rise in resale value, and can be reused or resold at any price if you are ever done capitalizing on them, or if you are a domain investor. There…

Bitcoin Ethics

OTC bitcoin markets have been around since the very first bitcoin trades, and they still provide a really valuable function in the bitcoin and cryptocurrency ecosystem. If you’re reading this, I’ll assume you’re at least superficially familiar with cryptocurrencies and probably have some Bitcoin. No cryptocurrency is widely used enough as an actual currency for…

The three Really Obvious Methods To Bitcoin Higher That you simply Ever Did

Bitcoin cannot be sold short, and financial derivatives such as forward contracts and swaps that are routine for other currencies do not exist for bitcoin. Consider oracles, which are decentralised only in name and serve the purpose of making off-chain data accessible for smart contracts. The appeal to join is straightforward: humans are naturally drawn…

Bitcoin For Enjoyable

Today, the biggest questions facing Bitcoin are whether the crowd that currently exists today will either continue to grow, hold steadily, or come apart. If you believe, come join the crowd. Since Bitcoin’s having a fun week (and not just all of the is-it-real-or-fake price action – lots of real progress, today most notably from…